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Elevated living with big dogs is perfectly possible given EQO Credenzas. They are refined, modern, hidden homes for medium to large breeds. Available in three sizes, our Credenzas are lifestyle gamechangers that let dogs run and retrieve outdoors, then rest and refine indoors in sublime comfort. 

Shown in FSC®-certified, Italian-made Rosewood with Sandstone faux stone sculpted screens in a Leaf pattern. The ultra-healthy pet bed is covered with a durable eco-twill in Date Palm.

Prices as shown are $16,200 (Low), $18,000 (Standard) and $20,000 (XL). Purchase as shown easily or enjoy customizing your own using these steps.  For greater ease, tap our team by using the request a quotation form.

the credenzas

Modern credenzas in 3 sizes are proportionately designed to slip into any room and quietly den the most popular breeds. They make having a larger sporting dog in an urban apartment completey doable. Great for protection and the very best outdoor weekends.

sculpted screens

Digitally created for exceptional performance, five pre-designs are masterfully milled from a durable, LEED®-certified faux stone that is also hygienic. Each design has pragmatic properties and changes aesthetically when used vertically or horizontally.

Every design is created from algorithms that prevent chewing, escape or potential damage. They provide superior ventilation and camouflage.


Animals need much more sleep than people and their weight distribution is far more focused. Deep sinks into cute cushions is not the best for them.

Our algorithm to get their orthopedic needs right ensures better health and comfort than your sofa. We apply it to naturally antimicrobial cushions that offer the firm and smooth bounce that's best for them.

If you have a puppy or senior pet, or it's slightly under or overweight, it will receive an ortho cushion designed for him/her.

super smart storage

Inconspicuous dual pockets with minimal hardware and hygienic trim hide the less elegant elements of our friends' lives - their overloved toys. Use it to store and rotate toys for them.

The long pocket holds large Chuck-It® ball launchers while the smaller pocket is often home to keys and remotes.

exceptional craft

Every piece is an example of extraordinary, modern day artistry expressed in simplicity. Tight digital calibrations and impeccable handwork conceal deep design intelligence.

Every piece is numbered and signed by artisans, and arrives with a provenance of its journey-in-making, ownership benefits and eco-certifications.

A modern, refined credenza in Italian-made Rosewood that is 33.5 in / 85 cm high stands against a classically elegant wall, possibly a foyer.  It has a front sliding door in a contemporary leaf design in chalk white for stunning contrast.  At the top are matching thumb trims to open hidden storage. On top is a fine leather handbag and riding boots are beside it on the right.
An animal's view from inside an EQO Credenza (when the animal is laying down)

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