Biophiliac facade to Avenue Luxe Suites in Barcelona by Toyo Ito plays with light diffusion via organic shapes. Image © Aslai/Flickr

The MOMANT design studio, from its earliest inklings, is on a beauty of Bauhaus mission. Bauhaus was one of the earliest “eco-design” schools in our minds and was recently called back by Ursula Von Leyen to invigorate the EU Commission’s new Green Deal for 2021. 

Finding beauty in human scarcity forced Walter Gropius, Paul Klee, Joseph and Anni Albers, Wassily Kandinski and more to grasp at the root of things. 

Seems familiar these days.

Reconnected to what breathes us and the workings of Nature that supports us, they removed all things unnecessary to a minimalism where the axiom “forms follow function” prevailed.  They designed from things found in Nature and missing or lost in Rococo culture, the long-standing and excessively ornamental, pre-war style. 

Mies Van Der Rohe, Farmington residence with an uninterrupted experience of Nature.

The true art of Bauhaus was in removing the distance between humans and Nature in the built world, through its minimalism and mimicry of Nature.  They were the first biophiliac designers.

Years ago, Patrick Lun was contacted to explore a Bauhaus design project to serve two species, after Jennifer Barnes and Rosalind Marinou arrived at a sustainable design decision-making system that clarified components and circularities to slow climate change.  


Hint: match the interior colors to an animal’s fur and it will disappear inside.

MOMANT’s design work is missioned to be a point where Bauhaus meets Biomimicry, and is biophiliac in its service to humans and animals that live together.  It’s quite the trend we expect to be longstanding, so let’s get it right.

Patrick designed the EQO Collection to be so minimal, and so inclusively and passively serving, that both species adopt the comfort without notice. Every piece is quietly interesting without interrupting.

An EQO ottoman slips into a relaxed room unnoticed while an animal is discreetly in, not on, the furniture.

Allowing use and feedback to happen over time, we found the natural algorithms at the roots.  We discovered sublime FSC® supplies and exceptional partners that keep us beautiful and green today and beyond.

Join us in celebrating increasing innovations and Earth Day every day, by design. That’s how climates change.

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